Friday, 20 December 2013

Paint - Write up

I chose to go with ‘the body and/or self’ and within this I chose to go with ‘expressive’. I began to look at different styles of expressive painting mainly of portraits. While researching different artists I came across Paul wright, who’s art work is very textured, as he paints in a messy style, with different strokes almost blurring the face, it influenced my work into moving into ‘blank expression’. I wanted to paint portraits of people with a ‘blank expression’, so the audience has to read into what the person may be thinking or seeing. I also looked at Catherine Hennessey, who works with water colour and ink; she creates very meaningful images that bring across an emotion, often without showing the whole face. I liked the style and media she used for her work, and this ended up being similar to the route I have decided to go down. An artist similar to this that I also looked at was Agnes Cecile, she mainly paints with water colour and ink, some of her work is very expressive and loose, where as other pieces are precise. She uses a lot of colour, drips and splashes. 

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